"Because, most of us all walk around as if we' re sleeping walking. We really don't experience the world fully, because we're half-asleep, doing things we automatically thing we have to do."
Today I fully aprpreciate this quote. I am breathing but I dont have clear vision. I dont have clear dream.
Once I read from a blog about what imagery you would think of your life. I had one imagery last time, like a clay.
But I think the clay is almost dry now, it is very difficult to be shaped, the clay also want to know what is its shape now. No answer, no body tell it. It is confused and lost.
It is tuesday. I learned about death today.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's Tuesday
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Sunday, November 23, 2008
Weekends of Tuesday with Morrie
For more excerpt or preview about the book please check it on wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuesdays_With_Morrie)
Death is really the best topic that I love from this book, it serves me as a wake up call, slap on the face, or punch on my stomach. When something struck me real hurt it means that I am really weak on this ( I forgot where I heard or read about this )
My favorite part from this chapter :
" Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live .... , Because, most of us all walk around as if we' re sleeping walking. We really don't experience the world fully, because we're half-asleep, doing things we automatically thing we have to do. "
And facing death changes all that?
" Oh yes, You strip away all that stuff and you focus on the essentials. When you realize you are going to die you see everything much differently."
"Everyone knows they are going to die, but nobody believes it."
I love this part because it hit me so hard, I am that kind of person, I know that I am going to die, but I dont really believes it because I dont live my life fully. yet.
I know that I should doing what I love, living what I love, but the problem is.... I dont know exactly what it is.
I am still running here and there to find clues. I am still not at peace with my self. I dont know about you, but I really want to say that I know what I love, and I am doing what I love.
At the end of my life, I will be able to say I forgive all the things that I failed to do, but if I have a chance to repeat my life, I will do exactly the same thing that I did in my life.
I can feel it.... The sense of peace because of fulfillment.
I am still not settling down, I am open minded, searching for my true self, knowing what I love, and doing it.
By writing this, I discovered 1 clue, I love to share, I love to hear if there is anybody who could relate to what I am writing, and of course I could help them from my sharing.
I know that I am not alone, we are on the same quest. To our self discovery. Let us share and encourage one another.
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Topic: Books, Meaning, Reflection
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The most profound life experience (Yet)
Two of the hundred children who stay at kkottongnae, they are so lovely! very active and smart.
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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Self Love
After I change my focus to meaning, there is some changes in my life. I played soccer this Saturday. I usually play every week with my friends. But this week is a bit different. I have more love towards the game.
When the game was started, I feel the joy of kicking the ball, running to chase the ball, or pass the ball to my friends.
The wheater was also quite good, not so hot and not raining. Some how I feel good about it.
I said to my self, how good life is, I am very fortunate to have a healthy body. I said I love my body as it is. Thank you God for giving me this body.
I also said thank God for the health, appearance that I have.
I found meaning in this simple conversation, you know, it is like saying I love my self as I am.
I feel many of us like to compare with other people. Our neighbor grass always look greener!
The meaning that I discover is about self love. I think its ok to love our self. and even I think before we can love other people we need to love ourself first.
Life will be more exciting because we love ourself, we make peace and feel content about our condition. With the love that we have for ourself we can grow more!
It is strange, but it was my first time that I have this experience and insight while playing soccer.
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Topic: Meaning
Friday, June 27, 2008
Start to blog again!
It has been 6 months since the last time I publish something on this blog. I would like to start blogging after being off for sometimes.
There are many updates and improvement from blogger,Thanks man. They make blogging more fun and comfortable.
I would like to blog about the meaning of life. I read books from Viktor Frankl, with his most popular book titled Man Search for Meaning. This book explain a lot to me about the thing that I have been looking for.
The purpose of life, why am I here.
The meaning of life, what is this life all about.
I also feel that I am not alone, that there are many other people especially around my age who are also searching for meaning and purpose.
I will try my best to get connected with many people as possible through this media, so that we may share and help one another.
For those who have passed this stage of life, Please! Please! help me and many other people by sharing your experience.
Just drop by a comment, or message me if you wish to share something.
Thank you for your generousity
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Topic: Meaning