Yeah I am so motivated today. I woke up a bit late, at 8.30 am because last night I slept at around 2.00 am. Normally I will be like zombie for that day because I am a person who need a sleep for about 7 - 8 hours a day.
Before I went to my office today, as usual, I pray and listen to God's word. It sounds so boring to pray every morning but I realize without asking the strength from the Lord before I start my day, I may not be able to work at my best capacity.
When I pray, although I may not feel anything but something routine, but throughout the day or the week God will help me so that I may grow and find at least a clue to be in His plan. I totally agree and believe that God's plan is the best for me.
God's word for me today is from Colossians 3 : 23-24.
23 Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters,24 since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you serve the Lord Christ.
This word is the centre of my attention for today.
Whenever I find something exciting in my work ,I learn to praise the Lord, to thank him for an exciting job.
Whenever I find some difficulties in my work, I learn to praise the Lord, to thank him for a wonderful lesson and experience.
Whenever I meet a difficult person, I learn to praise my Master, to thank him for teaching me to be patient and understanding.
Today my Employer taught me about these things. He wants me to do my work for Him.
Not for my salary, not for my personal achievement, nor for any other things but for Him.
I also believe that the reward He promised me is greater that anything that the world can offer me.
Today I regain my motivation, spirit and focus to work on the robotic endoscopy surgery. I can design the robot more patiently and wholeheartedly.Even now I am still excited to continue my work although I am quite tired physically.
Praise the Lord!!
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Thanks for writing this.
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