Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Choosing My Career

You are the only one who knows whether you have won or not. Don't try to be better than someone else. Just be the best at what you can be.
-John Wooden's Dad-

I am posting about this because one of my friend told me why don't I share or post about my experience and my knowledge about this.

I also want to write something more secular, so that I may share to my friends who have a different religion. I want to share what I learned from the books that I read in the last one month:

Rich dad Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Why We Want You to Be Rich by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki
First, Break all the rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
Now, Discover Your Strengths By Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton
8 Secrets of the Truly Rich By Bo Sanchez

I read my friend's blog today on her post about
her career choice. She is discerning whether she should work on something that she likes and good at but lower salary, or she should work on something that she doesn't like and not really good at but with high salary.
My comment to her is choose the one that you are good at and you Love it and then receive a high Income.

The question is : Is that possible? My answer is YES!

Ok what I have now is merely knowledge, I can't prove it to you , Yet! So please bare with me and allow me to share what I know and what I am doing now.

My point here is to Work On your STRENGTH, this is the main consideration of my career choice. What is my Unique Selling Point aka Strength?

Strength is a consistent of near perfect performance

-Marcus Buckingham-

By taking this definition of strength, I believe and 100 % guaranteed that when I am working on my strength money won't be any problem. why? Because we are working on excellence peformance!

Let me elaborate more on this. Your strength is something unique, that means there is something which only you can do with a consistent of near perfect performance. To develop our strength we require to develop our TALENTS by learning some related SKILLS.

The equation is Strength = Talents ^ Skill ( exponential )

The reason your strength is unqiue is because it is rooted from your talents.

Talents is a recurring pattern of thought , feeling, or behaviour that can be productively applied
-Marcus Buckingham-

What did I do when I chose my career? I follow my passion, I ask my self: what am I good at?, what do I love to do? Which kind of job that will bring a great satisfaction?

I chose to follow my passion which is one of the trace in order to discover my talent, and then I can work on it, to develop my strength. How about you?

I hope this posting may help my friends who are discerning. Please leave a comment to give a feedback to me.
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.-
-To be continued-

Working for the Lord- Day 2

The second day, I woke up at 8.00 am and then as usual I clean my body as well my soul. I was refreshed body and soul after I ended my morning prayer. Yes it looks boring but this boredom will bring to my greatness.

My second day to write on my heart the verse from Colossians 3 : 23-24.
23 Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters,24 since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you serve the Lord Christ.

By the time I arrived at my lab I checked my emails, organised my plan for today and then drink a glass of coffee.... Then....get Hustle!!! I continue my work , the design for the part of the robotic endoscopy surgery.

Today it didn't go so smooth, but that is the main thing... the difficulties, the challenges make me to learn how to meditate upon the verse!! I learn how to pray when I am working.

Praise the Lord!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Working for the Lord- Day 1

Yeah I am so motivated today. I woke up a bit late, at 8.30 am because last night I slept at around 2.00 am. Normally I will be like zombie for that day because I am a person who need a sleep for about 7 - 8 hours a day.

Before I went to my office today, as usual, I pray and listen to God's word. It sounds so boring to pray every morning but I realize without asking the strength from the Lord before I start my day, I may not be able to work at my best capacity.

When I pray, although I may not feel anything but something routine, but throughout the day or the week God will help me so that I may grow and find at least a clue to be in His plan. I totally agree and believe that God's plan is the best for me.

God's word for me today is from Colossians 3 : 23-24.
23 Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters,24 since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you serve the Lord Christ.

This word is the centre of my attention for today.

Whenever I find something exciting in my work ,I learn to praise the Lord, to thank him for an exciting job.
Whenever I find some difficulties in my work, I learn to praise the Lord, to thank him for a wonderful lesson and experience.
Whenever I meet a difficult person, I learn to praise my Master, to thank him for teaching me to be patient and understanding.

Today my Employer taught me about these things. He wants me to do my work for Him.
Not for my salary, not for my personal achievement, nor for any other things but for Him.

I also believe that the reward He promised me is greater that anything that the world can offer me.

Today I regain my motivation, spirit and focus to work on the robotic endoscopy surgery. I can design the robot more patiently and wholeheartedly.Even now I am still excited to continue my work although I am quite tired physically.

Praise the Lord!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Working For God

I spend my weekend to refresh my mind,body and spirit. I enjoy my weekend and I have a wonderful moment with my girlfriend. We had a very fruitful conversation and she helped me to regain my spirit and motivation.

So.. as I said that I learned to work for the Lord, especially in my current job. I learned that working for God doesn't necessary to be at the church or any social work or ministry.

I can work for God in my current job.

I can work to please my Master as a research staff. I can design for God, I can think for God, I can contact supplier for God. It is a previlage for me to work right now. I also can earn enough money for my living.

I am still not sure how this work will lead me to come closer to God, but I believe right now He is leading me. He want to teach me something, and I know He wants me to do something here, to learn something from my current job.

I want to start praying for my job, colleague, supervisor so that I can learn as much as I can, and I may contribute as much as possible.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christ@Work Conference

Hi all... I have not been posting for few months and today I am so inspired to write about my experience at the Christ@Work Conference today. It was held at Catholic JC from the morning to the evening around 7.00 pm.

What I want to share is the great experience regarding the spirituality of work.

Before I attended the conference, especially this last 1 month, I felt that I was lacking something in my job. I felt that there is something missing. Although I just have been working for about 4 months, but my first 3 months was a great experience for me to work. I am so excited to go to my lab and think of exciting idea on how to build the surgical robot.

I thought the thing that I missed was my passion, maybe I am at the wrong job? ( Maybe some of you have asked this to yourselves)
Or maybe I am not suitable or not good enough? Or even maybe because I am not earning enough?

I asked myself many questions alike this past one week. I couldn't find the answer, until today I attended the conference. Today I was taught by God through the wonderful preachers in the conference that I should regard my work as a service to the Lord. What I am doing right now is part of His plan, He wants me to discover Him through my work right now. He want me to become witness and beacon of light in my lab ( it's sound awkward though).

But!!!! I get the answer, what is the thing that I am missing this past one month. It is not about passion, or skill, or talent, or salary.... but it is about my employer... Whom am I working for?

I want to say now with conviction and faith that I am working for God!!!

Another blessing that I get today is this:

Its me with one of my favorite preacher. Bo Sanchez.
He comes from Phililpine to bring a session about spirituality at workplace. He is very busy because of the kerygma conference last weekend.

I love his preaching so much because it is so practical and factual. He is really blessed as a preacher and he has touched many people with the love of God including me.

I hope when we meet again next time we could talk more and we could share our experience. To be honest I really want him to become my mentor, but its quite difficult because of place and time constraint.

I want to spend my weekend by meditating and reflecting on the messages that I receive today, and I will start my day on monday to work for God. I am building the robot for God. I want to develop all the talents He gives me.

Praise The Lord!!!